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[法国/四级]异国情调的感觉 Sensations 1975(法国复古情色高清修复版)[AVI/878MB]

wuyu0933 该用户已被删除
wuyu0933 发表于 2017-5-23 22:57:28
【电影海报】:* [5 H9 n( \3 E. y. B% O4 G" A, M3 [

& L: T$ A3 d& b! W% Y+ i+ x( D5 s1 ]【影片名称】:异国情调的感觉 Sensations 1975(法国复古情色高清修复版)
- I: t) u- i. I# S【影片大小】:878MB( a1 t/ _2 K7 e0 U
【影片时间】:01:18:051 A9 S+ ]& p3 a( L8 Q& a: v
7 b) E4 q# ?/ o- D/ X0 ^【是否有码】:无7 K$ h7 b4 b4 y8 |. ^/ O4 w' F
) k2 ]; s9 O" f% ?. k
6 C5 v5 \( p6 \5 H“我会把这部法国电影作为最热门的外国入境电影。“布劳恩是在亚历克斯的renzy模具、偏心天才高超的性爱影片时芽顶形式。& C  _' s( o$ P8 b$ \# e& l8 j
) F& @1 `7 K- X8 B: z" z: j+ J
' U- A  X/ @7 Q9 B0 Y9 `% K( v. t; S7 Z$ ~" u. ?9 ?# ~; }% R& I
“图普欧文斯(世界著名的英国出版商/女人复兴与全球版本以下,伦纳德是帕梅拉夫人。6 Z) z- k% C& N( U( n* \# E
; D; Y0 Z  }8 T0 J. [
* U& F4 c* A. j( N6 R6 C"I would rate this French film as the hottest foreign entry ever made. Lasse Braun is in the Alex de Renzy mould, an eccentric genius who shoots masterful sex films when in top form.! m8 L' ]! I9 `, N# I9 n& g
"Brigitte Maier plays prissy miss Margaret from Minnesota and Veronique Monet is her new French friend made on the cross-Channel ferry en route from London to Amsterdam. Trixi Heinen is the shopowner, Eva Chang the exotic foreign model. The lesbian sex in this film is in a different league to the routine obligatory American-made scenes that have lost their subtlety and electricity. By contrast, Sensations is so sumptuous that sex becomes an art form. And the art world is where the film climaxes - at a posh cocktail party/review where Braun pulls out all the stops in the sexually unusual (even grotesque) orgy.# s, z* o: J$ \3 C0 Q4 z
"Tuppy Owens (a world-famous British publisher/renaissance woman with a global following, a version of Gloria Leonard) appears as Lady Pamela.
; b. }' u/ G# C' w"The final scene is the most indicative of the film's constant eroticism: when everyone is finished and spent, nothing but the wails of ecstasy remain. Sensations is not to be missed."" u  A! G8 B2 C1 ~/ }% x
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1 T3 h& y% r& d+ G: {, _/ M

( |( o1 }) x: B免费种子下载地址: Sensations 19757 d# r) O. ^; w( \2 X* M: \

% s0 o: Q: s- O( v# i* T7 x免费种子备用地址: 点击下载-Sensations 1975.rar
+ l9 ]& [& Q! T- c
! _' C- a# |* D4 v2 q0 X7 Z6 d( Y金币收费下载: 7 m9 g% p* A- J- W/ B! Q

3 I2 h$ N+ s, w, n5 F

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